Starter Guide#

How to get started with BetterEventSystem

See also

This is a short guide to help you get a project up and running. you should then go to the API reference to extend the functionality of your project.


Installation is simple. just install Addikted.BetterEventSystem From your nuget package manager.



before you start using BetterEventSystem, you need to add the Addikted.BetterEventSystem namespace to your project.

Creating a new event#

new Event("event_name")

An event will be created with the name event_name.

Getting an event#


This will find and return an event with the name event_name, if it does not exist it will create it.

Adding a listener#

EventSystem.GetEvent("event_name").AddListener((e) => {
    //do something

A listener is a function that is called when the event is fired. All listeners are called in the order they were added.

Broadcasting / emitting an event#


you can pass any object you want to the event, and it will be passed to all listeners/preprocessors through the property.

All done, check out the API reference to see how to extend the functionality of your project.